Follow me in my attempts to understand the equine-human connection

Friday, November 5, 2010

Mind goes blank

Everyone has their areas of competence, places they feel safe, things they know, etc. Today, I was in a session with a client in the office and I froze. I couldn't remember how to start a session. I didn't know what to say. I was lost. Luckily Pam jumped in for me. Then, we moved out to meet the horses and all of the sudden I was fine. Sure, I was still nervous but this time I knew what to say. As we began interacting with the horses I couldn't get the ideas to STOP flowing through my head. I had all these questions and could only choose a handful. What I learned today was that we all have things that make us feel safe and mine is horses. It's ironic that a thousand pound animal makes me feel safe. That an animal that could crush me in an instant makes me relax. But they do. For me, there's something about horses that makes all my other problems slip away. And when I pet them, feel their soft velvety fur under my fingers, everything around me melts away as well. Sometimes I wonder if this is how clients feel too. I can only hope that their interaction with the horses is like mine.

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